Hwasa Wiki

Different users on the HWASA Wiki have access to different functions of the site. While anyone can do most things on the site, including reading and editing, some users can access a few additional functions.

Bureaucrats and Administrators

Bureaucrats are administrators who, in addition to the admin functions, have the ability to change the user rights for administrators and rollbacks and promote users to bureaucrat.

Administrators are entrusted with the ability to block and ban users as well as edit and delete comments/pages. They can also change the protection settings of pages and promote/demote chat moderators.


User rights
Current status
ARMYandBLINK11 (talkcontribslogs)
Bureaucrat and Administrator
Mariathemermaid (talkcontribslogs)

Rollbacks and Chat Moderators

Rollback rights enable the user to use a [rollback] button to revert repeated vandalism to a page by the same user. They can also edit forum and message wall threads, rename files, change the protection settings of pages, and edit protected pages. 

Chat moderators have the ability to delete posts from the discussions. 

If you want to be one of these if you want to be a Rollback, Chat Moderator or Administrator then message ARMYandBLINK11.