Hwasa Wiki

Below is the policy of this wiki that users should abide to.


  1. Treat all forum members with respect.
  2. No harassing or flaming.
  3. Absolutely no releasing members personal information without their expressed consent and informing the admins prior.
  4. No spam.
  5. No bullying (Targeting other members with malicious intent).
  6. No trolling.
  7. No threatening other members.
  8. No offensive or sexually explicit usernames, display pictures, signatures, threads, or discussions in chatbox.
  9. Making racist comments, bigoted comments, or hateful comments towards the forum, other fandoms, members, staff, yourself, or in general is not tolerated. Doing so will result in an immediate and indefinite ban.
  10. No offensive/racist/harmful/suggestive usernames.
  11. No duplicate accounts or sockpuppets allowed.
  12. No over-swearing (swearing in a form of spam/ making others uncomfortable).
  13. No posting paid for content.
  14. You must be at least 13 years old to own an account. If you are caught under 13 by Wikia, you will be blocked globally.
  15. Do not advertise anything not related to Hwasa or create any promotional articles. This wiki is not a free-advertised site for you to create an account and start promoting the site of selling stuffs or fan-site of someone here. Wikis are created for providing knowledge for people, not for promoting or advertising.  If you want to affiliate with us or promote another website related to Hwasa, please contact our Administrators.
  16. In order to become an admin, you must have 50+ edits and contribute to the wiki everyday for 2 weeks or more.


  • Do not post random blogs (this includes content that does not pertain to Hwasa).
  • Blogs must be related to Hwasa, and cannot have swear words involved.

See the Editing Policy for how to edit articles, formatting, etc.