Hwasa Wiki

Here's the editing guidelines for this wiki:


  1. General: We want the articles to be accurate as possible, so if there is any information you are not sure of, please do not add it. Inform an administrator!
  2. Do not erase information or remove content unless the information has been proven false. If you do so unnecessarily, it will be considered vandalism.
  3. Do not create unnecessary pages that have nothing to do with Hwasa.
  4. Try to keep comments civil, respectful, and on-topic. Off-topic comments may be removed.

Song Articles

  • Copy translations of Hwasa singles and songs from a trustworthy website. Do not use translations from Google Translate, due to the inaccuracy of the software itself.
  • Please credit the website which you got the translations. Some translators would love to have their work appreciated.

Image Policy

  • Do not upload images that are inappropriate or offensive. If you do so, they will be marked as vandalism.
  • Do not upload images that don't pertain to Hwasa, do so in profiles only!
  • Make sure images are not blurry.
  • Do not upload the same image again and again. If an admin finds out, they will be removed immediately without warning.